
This is a collection of things from my daily life that are not necessarily art related. For my art, please check out my website.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Grand Elegance of the Nevada Governor's Ball at Virginia City, Or, Holy Shit I stepped on the back of my hoopskirt

I have been sewing a lot lately. Until wee hours of the night/morning. I have been procrastinating. I have been hoarding lace, ruffles and satin. I have been spending more time with my Brother sewing machine than with my husband. 

All of this effort culminated in last night's Nevada Governor's Ball. The Governor's Ball celebrates Nevada Day, the birthday of our great Silver State and it's journey into statehood, on October 31st, 1864. Hence the Victorian/Civil War Period Clothing. Western Formal attire is also included, because, really what would Nevada be without a good pair of cowboy boots?
There was quite a turn out. Ball gowns, hoop skirts, top hats. Silks, satins, taffeta and crinoline.

Quadrilles, waltzes, a grand march,  and lots of dancing.

Andrew and I had a blast. It was just about the most fun I've had in a good while.

 Even though I stepped on my hoop doing the Virginia Reel, and lost the bottom half of my gown temporarily. Wardrobe malfunction. After acquiring some safety pins, I was up and reeling(?) again. 
Note to self: bring emergency kit into ball, do not leave at Cobb Mansion.

To top it off, we went with a great group of Reno friends, some who ad attended before, and some who were new to the Ball just like we were. 
Francis and Zo

Tony and Nicci, and Mr. Mark Twain

 I can't wait for Next Year.



  2. Amazing job Jen! It looks awesome. I am so jealous!
