
This is a collection of things from my daily life that are not necessarily art related. For my art, please check out my website.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Squash that Took over the World.

So, in my previous post, I mentioned that I had a crazy squash plant. Huge, monstrous, taking over whole garden growing in three separate cardinal directions, squash plant.
 Specifically, this plant is:
Cucurbita Maxima
It looked like this when I bought it, man that guys who sold it to me was weird. 
"Hey, wouldja mind taking a picture of me kissing this plant before you take it? I'm a little attached... emotionally."

Also known by its common name, the Hubbard Squash. It is a winter squash that I picked up at some point early this spring. I didn't choose it because of it's taste, or because I had a burning desire to see my three plot square foot garden overrun by a monster, but for a very, simple, reason.
It's called a Hubbard squash, and I was homesick.
Ker-what? You ask.  You see, my dad's side of the family, well part of it, was Hubbards. And because I know it was the Bixby part of the family that grew the fabulous, so I have heard, Bixby Melons, I thought that, in a round about way, maybe their adopted daughter would stretch her green thumbs and do her family heritage right. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
Well. Did I ever.
Holy hand grenade. This is my garden squash plant.

This is the one Squash currently growing on it.

 There were two other, smaller squashes, but I think this monster devoured their souls. You did know that squash go to heaven, didn't you?(but that's another topic for another day)

Monster, alien, soul devouring squash.

Man, I can't wait to pick it and chop it up and roast it in my oven.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! A truly amazing squash--and Garden!!
