Specifically, this plant is:
Cucurbita Maxima
It looked like this when I bought it, man that guys who sold it to me was weird.
"Hey, wouldja mind taking a picture of me kissing this plant before you take it? I'm a little attached... emotionally."
Also known by its common name, the Hubbard Squash. It is a winter squash that I picked up at some point early this spring. I didn't choose it because of it's taste, or because I had a burning desire to see my three plot square foot garden overrun by a monster, but for a very, simple, reason.
It's called a Hubbard squash, and I was homesick.
Ker-what? You ask. You see, my dad's side of the family, well part of it, was Hubbards. And because I know it was the Bixby part of the family that grew the fabulous, so I have heard, Bixby Melons, I thought that, in a round about way, maybe their adopted daughter would stretch her green thumbs and do her family heritage right. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
Well. Did I ever.
Holy hand grenade. This is my garden squash plant.
This is the one Squash currently growing on it.
There were two other, smaller squashes, but I think this monster devoured their souls. You did know that squash go to heaven, didn't you?(but that's another topic for another day)
Monster, alien, soul devouring squash.
Man, I can't wait to pick it and chop it up and roast it in my oven.
Wow! A truly amazing squash--and Garden!!